2:09 What To Expect When You Get Your Braces Off | Humphrey Orthodontics
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What To Expect When You Get Your Braces Off

Having orthodontic treatment can feel like an exhaustive experience at certain points as you wait for the day you finally finish. But that day will come! At Humphrey Orthodontics, we want you to be prepared for what to expect when you get your braces off.

The Big Three

If you’ve gotten braces or aligners from our office, that means we’ve given you one of the following:

  • We provide Invisalign, a clear and removable option as an alternative to traditional braces
  • Metal braces, being the most traditional option, are typically the preferred choice for our younger patients.
  • Clear braces, also known as ceramic braces, blend with the color of your teeth and offer the same effectiveness as metal braces. However, due to their more natural-appearing components, they can be a compromise.

Removable options like Invisalign have a different retention process than fixed appliances—but we’ll go over both, just in case!

When Traditional Braces Come Off

Let’s go over some of the common experiences you can expect after having your traditional braces removed, especially in the early stages. 

  1. Revealed Transformation: The highlight of completing your treatment is witnessing the final transformation of your smile. Dr. Humphrey may provide you with a mirror during your removal appointment, allowing you to admire your newly aligned teeth. We might also take before-and-after photos to showcase the remarkable changes!
  2. Retainers: You’ll receive retainers to help maintain your teeth’s new alignment and prevent any shifting. Our team will provide you with clear instructions on when and how to wear them, stressing the importance of consistency.
  3. Relief and Comfort: One of the first things you’ll notice is a feeling of relief and increased comfort. The removal of your braces will eliminate the pressure or tightness associated with them, bringing a welcome sense of freedom!
  4. Sensitivity: It’s normal to experience some increased sensitivity in your teeth after your braces are removed, but this usually fades within the first week or so.
  5. Smooth Teeth: Your teeth will feel especially smooth without the brackets and wires in place.
  6. Dental Cleaning: We’ll likely perform a thorough cleaning to remove any remaining adhesive or plaque, leaving you with a clean, radiant smile post-braces.
  7. Final Adjustments: We’ll check your bite and alignment and make any necessary final adjustments, which could include slight shaping or polishing for the best results.
  8. Follow-up Appointments: We’ll schedule follow-up appointments periodically to monitor the stability of your new smile and the effectiveness of your retainers. Regular dental check-ups will also be recommended to maintain your oral health.
  9. Aftercare Instructions: Dr. Humphrey will provide detailed aftercare instructions, including retainer use, maintaining oral hygiene, and any additional recommendations based on your treatment plan.

What To Expect When You Get Your Braces Off

When Invisalign Comes Off

There are some similarities between braces removal and the removal of your clear aligners, but the experience differs due to the nature of the treatment.

  1. Removal of Aligners: Once your Invisalign treatment is complete, you can stop wearing your aligners. This newfound independence lets you enjoy meals without the restrictions that the aligners once imposed.
  2. Orthodontic Check-up: You’ll have a follow-up appointment with our team to ensure your teeth have settled into their new positions as predicted. During this visit, any necessary adjustments will be made or planned.
  3. Retainers: Just like traditional braces, retainers are crucial for maintaining your teeth’s new alignment. After Invisalign, you’ll likely adapt quickly to this new step in your dental care since retainers can be extremely similar in fit and use.
  4. Oral Hygiene Maintenance: Maintaining exceptional oral hygiene is still essential. Regular brushing and flossing are key to sustaining dental health in the long term.
  5. Teeth Sensitivity: You may experience some brief sensitivity right after removing your Invisalign aligners, but this usually fades promptly.
  6. Adjustments to Daily Routine: With Invisalign treatment over, your daily routine will shift quite a bit. You no longer need to dedicate time to cleaning and maintaining aligners, but you will need to incorporate wearing your retainer as directed by our team into your new routine. Again, this is a vital element of retention, so be diligent about it!

What To Expect When You Get Your Braces Off

The Ultimate Pay-off

Completing your orthodontic treatment with Humphrey Orthodontics is a major milestone, and you should be proud of all the progress you’ve made! We’ll be with you throughout your journey, and we’re excited to celebrate this achievement with you when the time comes. If you have any questions or experience any concerns after your appliance is removed, our team is here to help and arrange any necessary follow-up visit. Please feel free to contact either of our offices in Wentzville or St. Peters.