2:09 The Team Behind Your Straight Smile | Humphrey Orthodontics
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The Team Behind Your Straight Smile

When it comes to getting the straight smile of your dreams, the braces or aligners don’t do all the work! It takes an entire team of highly trained professionals to give you the orthodontic treatment you deserve, and the behind-the-scenes orthodontic treatment team at Humphrey Orthodontics is always happy to help you every step of the way. So without further ado, here’s the team behind your straight smile! 

Your Dentist

Since you were little, you’ve probably worked with a pediatric dentist who has helped you learn how to take care of your teeth. You’ll be happy to know that your dentist will still play a key role in your orthodontic treatment moving forward! 

Dentists and orthodontists work hand-in-hand. Oftentimes, your dentist is the one who recommends you to an orthodontist for braces or Invisalign treatment. You’ll also see them for regular check-ups throughout your time at Humphrey Orthodontics. That’s because your teeth need extra attention during treatment to prevent cavities or other dental concerns. So, while Dr. Humphrey is there to help you straighten your smile, you will still see your dentist to make sure it stays pearly white and healthy. 

The Team Behind Your Straight Smile

Your Orthodontist

Of course, now that you’re introducing braces or Invisalign aligners to the dental mix, you’ll need a specialized orthodontist to get the job done. Orthodontists start their careers as dentists, but in order to learn how to straighten smiles safely and effectively, they go on to attend another three to five years of orthodontic residency to round out their training. 

This extra time learning gives them the expertise they need to correct any bite issues and align any snaggles. It also helps them craft a completely personalized treatment plan that fits your unique needs and concerns. 

Dr. Humphrey has years of experience straightening smiles, and fun fact, he actually learned the tricks of the trade from his orthodontist, Dr. Mark Morrell! Additionally, Dr. Humphrey has not one, not two, but four degrees to his name – and all that training adds up to a lot of successful smiles. 

The Team Behind Your Straight Smile

Orthodontic Assistants

Orthodontic assistants play a strong role in your treatment. You’ll see them during your consultation when they take X-rays and images of your teeth for your orthodontist to review. You’ll also see them during all your adjustment appointments, right before your orthodontist comes out to check your progress. They’ll be there to change your wires and bands and answer any questions you might have. 

Treatment Coordinator

Your treatment coordinator is like the project manager for your comprehensive treatment plan. They’ll have all the details about your progress, next steps, and financial information and they’re always happy to explain anything about your account that you might feel confusing.

Should any of your information change, from insurance to allergies, you can let your treatment coordinator know. They’ll be able to help make adjustments to your plan as needed so you can come out with a straight smile and low stress. 

The Team Behind Your Straight Smile


Orthodontic receptionists do a lot of work around the office to keep everything organized and running smoothly! They’re the first people you’ll meet when you walk through the doors, and they’re the people you’ll talk to when you’re scheduling your next appointment. These friendly faces are always here to answer any questions you may have – or they can point you in the right direction! 

& Most Importantly, You!

That’s right, you’re on the orthodontic treatment team, too! Your orthodontist will create a personalized treatment plan and track your progress at every appointment, but between visits, it’s up to you to take care of your smile and follow instructions. Doing so will keep your treatment plan on track. Not doing so could result in longer treatment times, cavities, or even retreatment. So to avoid any complications, here’s your job during your braces or Invisalign treatment. 

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

When you have braces or clear aligners, it can sometimes be harder to keep your teeth clean. This means you’ll have to take extra care when brushing, flossing, and cleaning your appliances. It also means visiting your dentist for regular checkups in addition to orthodontic appointments to keep your teeth happy and healthy. 

Follow Your Orthodontist’s Instructions

Staying on track with treatment means following all Dr. Humphreys’s instructions. Whether it’s wearing your elastics as often as you’re supposed to or avoiding food that might damage your appliance, sticking to the plan will keep your treatment on the right path to success. 

Don’t Miss Appointments

It may seem obvious, but visiting your orthodontist for regular checkups is key to getting the smile of your dreams. If something comes up every now and then and you have to reschedule, that’s okay. Life happens! But when you begin to miss appointments or push them off regularly, your treatment could take longer and you could risk the effectiveness of your braces or aligners. 

Communicate with Your Orthodontic Treatment Team

The best teams work together! If something is causing you stress or discomfort, it’s your job to let us know. That could mean we adjust a bracket, or it could mean we address your payment plan. In any case, we’re here to help – and we want you to feel comfortable communicating with us!

The Team Behind Your Straight Smile

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work! 

Straight smiles don’t just come from nowhere. They take a team of orthodontists, dentists, assistants, coordinators, receptionists, and patients to get the job done! And when you have an orthodontic treatment team you can trust, you can take on any dental challenge. 

If you’re ready to get started, you can team up with us today! Schedule your free consultation in Wentzville or St. Peters, and we’ll see you there!